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Campus Complaint Processes Overview

UC Merced is committed to providing clear and accessible pathways for addressing workplace concerns. Depending on the nature of your complaint, different policies and procedures may apply. Refer to the chart below for specific guidance on how to address different types of complaints, the appropriate offices to contact for each process, and additional resources.

Complaint Type Applicable To Scope Resources Reporting and Contact Information
Grievances Union-represented employees See collective bargaining agreement articles

Responsible Office:
Employee & Labor Relations

See Bargaining Unit Contact Information to identify your union representative.

Phone: 209-228-8247

PPSM-70 Non-represented staff A management action that significantly impacts an employee’s terms of employment and/or violates PPSM

Responsible Office:
Employee & Labor Relations

Phone: 209-228-8247

Abusive Conduct

All university employees, including staff, faculty, academic appointees, student employees, affiliates, non-affiliates, and third parties

Claims of Abusive Conduct (e.g., claims of bullying) and/or Retaliation for reporting, or participating in, an investigation or other related process

FOR EMERGENCIES: If you believe that actions or statements of an individual constitute an emergency, create imminent danger or pose a threat to health or safety, contact local law enforcement:
   9-1-1 from cell phone or  
   9-9-1-1 from campus phone

For Non-Emergencies, contact a Responsible Office:

Workplace Violence All university employees Experienced or observed workplace violence

Responsible Office: Workplace Violence Program Administrator

Report any incident of workplace violence, experienced or observed, through the Incident Reporting Portal, as soon as it is safe to do so.

Incidents may also be reported anonymously, via the UC Whistleblower Hotline, by phone at 800-403-4744, or online at,

Whistleblower Process All university employees, job applicants, students, vendors, contractors, and members of the public Suspected improper government activities

Reponsible Office:
Ethics & Compliance Office

Report Improper Activity to:

Whistleblower Protection Process All persons who have engaged in protected activities as defined in the University’s Whistleblower Policy Retaliation protections

Reponsible Office:
Ethics & Compliance Office

Report Improper Activity to:

Discrimination & Harassment All university employees, job applicants, and independent contractors Claims of discrimination or harassment in the workplace based on protected category, i.e, race, gender, disability, etc.

Responsible Office:
Office for the Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination

Options for reporting incidents of discrimination or harassment:

  • Online: OPHD Web Form 
    Note: The online report form will link to an external site hosted by the UC & iSight.
  • Email:
  • By Phone & Voicemail: 209-413-4652
Sexual Violence & Sexual Harassment All UC employees, students, and third parties Claims of sexual harassment, violence, and stalking

Responsible Office: 
Office for the Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination

Options for reporting incidents of sexual harassment or sexual violence (including dating/domestic violence and stalking):

  • Online: OPHD Web Form 
    Note: The online report form will link to an external site hosted by the UC & iSight.
  • Email:
  • By Phone & Voicemail: 209-413-4652
APM 140 Grievances for Non-Represented Non-Senate Academic Appointees
Non-represented non-Senate academic appointees This process provides non-represented non-Senate academic appointees the opportunity to present grievances

Responsible Office: 
Academic Personnel Office

Phone: 209-228-7948

Complaints Against UC Merced Police Officers All university employees, students, and third parties Improper conduct by UC Merced Police Department members

Responsible Office: 
Police Accountability Board

Options for reporting inappropriate conduct: 

  • Online: Complaint Form
  • By Email: Send a description of the incident to
  • In Person: Visit the UC Merced Police Department (complaint will be forwarded to Ethics and Compliance)

Additional Resources

UC Merced provides several support services and resources to help employees navigate the complaint process and address concerns effectively:

Employee Assistance Program (EAP): The EAP offers confidential counseling and support for personal or workplace issues. Contact the EAP for guidance on managing stress, workplace conflict, and other personal challenges.

Phone: 1-800-999-7222

Website: UC Merced EAP

Office of the Ombuds: The Ombuds Office provides a confidential, neutral space where staff and faculty can seek informal dispute resolution services, voice concerns, and explore options for handling workplace conflicts.

Phone: 209-228-4410
Website: Ombuds Services