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ECP Management Council Charter

Ethics and Compliance Program Management Council Charter

The UC Merced Ethics and Compliance Program Management Council (ECPMC) is an advisory to the UC Merced Ethics and Compliance Executive Committee and the UC Merced Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer (CECO), Viola Kinsman. 

The ECPMC is comprised of unit heads from the major functions of the university and will assure that enterprise risk management decisions are aligned with UC Merced’s overall vision and goals. The ECPMC will develop a comprehensive approach to identifying and managing the full range of risks the university faces. The ECPMC will champion these strategies and be charged with communicating them to each member’s respective areas so that all stakeholders take ownership. 

The ECPMC will meet at least quarterly, and will maintain quorum (defined as half of the members plus one) for at least 90 percent of the scheduled meetings on an annual basis. The ECPMC is charged with the following, including but not limited to: 

  • ​Identif​ying, assessing and monitoring campus risks;
  • Reviewing risk information from various sources, aggregating the data to provide a comprehensive, portfolio view of risk exposure across the campus;
  • Prioritizing identified risks and communicating significant risks to the CECO and Executive Committee;
  • Reporting risk areas of high-priority and proposed risk mitigation activities and establishing sub-workgroups as needed;
  • Making recommendations on risk response opportunities (e.g., accepting, transferring, mitigating), needed policies and best practices to be implemented at the campus level;
  • Identifying new and emerging risks and using work groups drawn from across the campus, advising on how to mitigate those risks; and
  • Advising on the need for campus-specific guidance documents, education materials and training as it relates to specific risk areas and recommending policies and best practices for campuswide and systemwide implementation.

Image of ECP management committee membership