January 10, 2024
The University of California, Office of the President invites comments on a proposed Presidential Policy BFB-BUS-50: Controlled Substances Use In Research and Teaching. The policy is proposed to be revised and includes the following key issues:
- Clarify in detail the scope of duties of the Campus Controlled Substances Programs and the Controlled Substances Program Officers;
- Define the Campus Designation form of Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Registration and address requirements applicable to DEA Registrations other than Campus Designation, such as individual schedule I DEA Registrations;
- Provide more specific procedures regarding Powers of Attorney;
- Provide additional guidance as to import, export, interstate and intrastate use, transfer and transport of Controlled Substances, as well as Controlled Substances Analogues and DEA-exempt chemical preparations; and
- Establish responsible units and individuals for patient care and clinical Controlled Substances Program.
Employees can submit comments via anonymous survey by April 8, 2024